<aside> 💡 Roots of Change was founded to tell empathetic stories to transform nonprofits, purpose-driven brands, and political organizations to empower societal change.


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How do we cultivate social change?

At Roots of Change, we believe that social change comes from uprooting the unhealthy soil of our past and cultivating new soil that will allow all of us to grow in healthy, sustainable, and equitable ways.

Storytelling is our tool.

Storytelling deepens human connection, which allows cultures to become more empathetic and open to change. Cultural change opens the door for lasting social change. We’re here to help you tell stories. To tell the stories that matter.

Read About Your Mission

Our Services

We want advocacy work to be sustainable & affordable. We have solutions for any sized organization no matter your size or capacity.

1. Self-Serve Toolkits

Let's grow together! Our tools offer affordable resources to make your communications work more strategic and sustainable.